How many times can you bounce a ball on a racket or a pair of socks in a frying pan in 30 seconds?
How many times can you sit down on to a chair/sofa and stand up again, without using your hands, in 1 minute?
Jump over a small object as many times as you can in 30 seconds.
How many pairs of rolled up socks can you throw in to a bucket, basket, hoop in 30 seconds? EY/KS1 - take 3 big steps away from your target. KS2 - take 5 big steps away from your target.
How far can you jump starting on two feet and landing on two feet?
Throw a ball in to the air, clap as many times as you can, then catch the ball again. How many claps can you do?
How many ‘keepy-uppys’ can you do without it touching the ground? Use your hands or feet. Use a ball, rolled up socks, toilet roll!